
August 25th, 2011

Hello. If you’re visiting this page you’ll most probably know me or know about me. I AM NOT THE CHOREOGRAPHER OF THE SAME NAME. There, just thought I’d dispel that one immediately, and I may well mention it again from time to time just in case you think that I should be nominated for a Gold Badge Award or take my latest show to La Scala or the Lincoln Centre or appear on GMTV or review a book about other choreographers/dancers/personalities or other dance-related subjects. Although I am happy to indulge in any of the above activities, provided that you’ve got the right guy. DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!!

So, warning over I can whole-heartedly welcome you to my blog. I have no idea as to what this is for or what I should write just yet but as time goes on I hope that some of it will be of interest to someone, somewhere. I may bore you to death about my upcoming motorcycle trip to Spain with my old friend Paul Bolderson, or talk about the issue I have with retentive venue staff in charge of ‘the good piano’ that ‘jazz musicians’ aren’t allowed to play, or barefoot running, or the music of John Zorn or anything, really. Stay tuned, and thank you for visiting…